If there is no picture Terms of Use

Terms of Use

By using website naftalan.hr you agree to Terms of Use. The content on this site is provided by Naftalan staff and it's protected by copyright. ...
If there is no picture Disclaimer


Naftalan assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information or any error on this website. Our goal is to keep this information timely and acc...
If there is no picture Cookies


For the web page to work properly, for us to be able to perform further improvements of the page, and in order to improve your experience of viewing the ...
If there is no picture Izjava o digitalnoj pristupačnosti

Izjava o digitalnoj pristupačnosti

Specijalna bolnica za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Naftalan obvezna je osigurati pristupačnost svoje mrežne lokacije u skladu sa Zakonom o pristupačnosti mr...
If there is no picture Pristup informacijama

Pristup informacijama

Službenica za informiranje TEA VUKOŠIĆ PAHER dipl.jur. e-mail: tea.vukosic@naftalan.hr Tel: +385 (1) 2834 508 Fax: +385 (1) 2881 481 PRAVO NA PRISTUP IN...
If there is no picture General privacy rules

General privacy rules

NAFTALAN, Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Naftalan, Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation, is a medical institution located at Oml...
If there is no picture Izjava o povjerljivosti

Izjava o povjerljivosti

Ovom izjavom Specijalna bolnica Naftalan se obvezuje da će sukladno Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka (Sl. list EU L 119/1), čuvati povjerljivost svih osob...